Wallis-Ferien 43
Wallis-Ferien 43 (Photo credit: lixelle)
English: The Hoover Building, Perivale, London...
English: The Hoover Building, Perivale, London The Hoover Building (actually three buildings) is often described as the architect’s, Wallis Gilbert & Partners’, Art Deco masterpiece. The factory was built in 1932 and became a grade II listed building in 1990. Hoover ceased production and Tesco took over the building in the early 1990’s. An extensive renovation using re-alkalisation of the concrete was completed in 1993. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Color oil
Color oil (Photo credit: @Doug88888)

To many the discovery that the great monuments of antiquity were stained or painted with bright pigments has proved quite unacceptable, particularly to those with a puritanical reverence for the expression of the inherent appearance of natural materials. The facts, however, are quite clear: ‘Statuary was deeply dyed with garish pigments. The marble figure of a woman found on the Athenian Acropolis was tinctured red, green, blue and yellow. Quite often statues had red lips, glowing eyes made of precious stones and even artificial eyelashes’ (Porter, 1982). The Greek Temple from the point of view of colour was closer in feeling to the Chinese Temple, than to those pure but lifeless nineteenth century copies found in many European cities.

Color picture
Color picture (Photo credit: @Doug88888)

The love of colour survives in the modern world. The church in its vestments retains a strong link with the past symbolic use of colour while colorful vivacity occasionally breaks out in the guise of the latest Parisians or Italian fashions in women’s clothes. In the environment colour was kept alive by those not schooled in the centers of artistic excellence – the working class in the suburban home, the art of the bargee, the gypsy or fairground artist. In this spirit are the monuments to Art Deco of the late 1920s and 1930s. Such buildings as those by Wallis, Gilbert and Partners for suburban London fall neatly within this populist


Published by Archiabyssniya

INTERACTIVE PRESENTATIONS,TAKEAWAY TIPS&GUIDES AND MUCH MORE!!! · Art Vs Architecture /Arts are having two modes of representation: Visual Arts & Performing Arts · Communication is an important aspect of arts than ARCHITECTURE and architectural theory · has often borrowed imagery or made analogy (similarity in some way) to these arts. · We can discuss theses in particular: Drawing NATURE LITERATURE Dance Music · All these arts may be seen in terms of a language used for communication.


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