The artists working for the Timurids were responsible for the development of a true national style of Persian painting. were great patrons of the arts of the book. One of the earliest Timurid paintings in the Burnett collection represents a pair of lovers in a garden, probably Humay and Humayun. It is unusually large, measuring I9 Y by 12 9/6 inches, and comes from the same manuscript of Rashid ad-Din’s Jami at-Tawarikh, or “Universal History,” as the Jonah and the Whale in the Metropolitan Mu-seum.

and those were the reasons


The peeling paste-up

ONE OF THE MOST POPULAR forms of street art in Melbourne is the paste-up: printed or drawn posters adhered to city walls with a wheat-based glue. The physical insubstantiality of paste-ups renders them particularly ephemeral — they do not have the ‘sticking power’ of paint — yet this also makes them particularly ‘active’ components of the city footprint. The effects of time and human interface are readily wrought upon their surface. Older paste-ups peel away from the walls on which they are stuck; new ones are pasted over them, perhaps in turn to be painted over by following artists, tagged by graffitists, or torn down by council cleaning teams. For artist Miso, the traces of the ‘life’ of the poster are part of its appeal as an art form:

There is a certain excitement in nature and the city reclaiming that piece and the way people interact…

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Published by Archiabyssniya

INTERACTIVE PRESENTATIONS,TAKEAWAY TIPS&GUIDES AND MUCH MORE!!! · Art Vs Architecture /Arts are having two modes of representation: Visual Arts & Performing Arts · Communication is an important aspect of arts than ARCHITECTURE and architectural theory · has often borrowed imagery or made analogy (similarity in some way) to these arts. · We can discuss theses in particular: Drawing NATURE LITERATURE Dance Music · All these arts may be seen in terms of a language used for communication.

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