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If too these are added measures of the ease and capacity with which he forms new skills, knowledge, and attitudes—- that is, the state of his adjusting mechanisms—- prediction as to his future can be made. It is well for the some of his skills, know ledges, and attitudes may be regarded as assets in a particular life situation and that some may be regarded as liabilities .what he is at the moment Is a bundle of skills and knowledge’s and attitudes, and of reacting mechanisms. They are what he has to throw in to the pool of relation, with others. In manufacturing or business, in a trade or avocation, in labor or in management, what one dose is to exchange his skills, knowledge’s and attitude (or their outcomes) for those of other people? They are his assets and his liabilities, and he carries them forward with him in to all his relation with other persons.

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Published by Archiabyssniya

INTERACTIVE PRESENTATIONS,TAKEAWAY TIPS&GUIDES AND MUCH MORE!!! · Art Vs Architecture /Arts are having two modes of representation: Visual Arts & Performing Arts · Communication is an important aspect of arts than ARCHITECTURE and architectural theory · has often borrowed imagery or made analogy (similarity in some way) to these arts. · We can discuss theses in particular: Drawing NATURE LITERATURE Dance Music · All these arts may be seen in terms of a language used for communication.

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